Thursday, September 2, 2010

Under construction

My blog is under construction. Until I find a back ground and header that I love you may have to suffer through my complete lack of decision making skills. Let me know what you think as you like, love or hate them! I will not change the name however. I find that I try to remind myself on a daily basis to
"Embrace the Journey"
My sweet husband will never have so many chunks of time off as he does while he is in school. Life moves along at a pleasurable pace, and I am embracing this time in my life. At least trying.


Just US said...

I love the "embrace the journey" part of your blog! It is perfect! Good luck chosing a background and header you like. I mess around with mine every once in a while and then always go back to the same old one. Maybe someday I will have enough patience to actually change it :)

Michelle said...

That is a great title and a good reminder for anyone, in any phase of life! I think this background is super cute!