Friday, August 5, 2011

Bear Lake with the Girls - Most of em anyway

I mentioned to my mom that I didn't think I would be able to make it up to Bear Lake over the next few weekends before we leave due to it being just a little crazy as we prepare to leave SLC for VA again. I also mentioned that if by chance she wanted to make a mid-week run I could prolly make that happen. Well we rounded up Jame, Car, myself, Mom, and 3 of the babies, and spent some time up there. It was so much fun to dilly dally along as we did some shopping and eating in Logan. We enjoyed watching the babies play in the pool for a couple hours and visited, and laughed. We drove about 1/2 way around the lake, and enjoyed a morning at raspberry days. I just want my mom to know how much that time meant to me. I loved that mini road trip, and I am so thankful we were able to do that. LOVE YOU!
Aww...Sleeping Babies. What PEACE! :)
My moms neighbor. Just thought it was a pretty picture
Yucky sweet pork burritos. Sorry Cafe Sabor! We wont be back. 
This is an amazing home and it belonged to the 3 wives of my Great Great Grandfather Pugmire. I wish I could see it inside-

Such silly things at raspberry days, but we had so much fun.
You prolly cant tell, but Henry has taken his shoe off to have a conversation as if he were on the phone... Silly boy. He does this often.

1 comment:

Ry and Livi said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish I could have been there. Love you and super excited to see you!