Sunday, February 27, 2011

So Blessed!

I just felt the need to express my gratitude I have for my family and friends! I felt so loved on my birthday with everyones thoughtfulness. I spent the saturday before my birthday with my husband and sweet little boy in Washington DC exploring the American History Museum, and having lunch at Ben's Chili Bowl! I was then dropped off only to be surprised by some friends with a party! It is fun to share a birthday with a close friend and we enjoyed our party the thoughtfulness of our friends! On my actual birthday we visited Mt. Vernon for just a bit in the morning after my sweet husband made me breakfast, enjoyed a relaxing afternoon, and an enjoyable dinner with some shopping afterwards. My sweet husband gave me some sneakers that snap up the side...(I have LOVED this style of shoe for 3 years or more, it was amazing he remembered!) and an adorable mustard yellow shirt, both from one of my FAVORITE stores: H&M. My mom, dad, and sister gave me a Red LeCreuset casserole dish. I had written MONTHS ago how much I LOVED these dishes and would someday collect them in all colors and sizes. I love it! My sisters sent me my Brighton Bracelet. It is engraved "Embrace the Journey," which has been my motto for life lately. I look at this bracelet EVERY time I visit the mall. I have wanted it for probably a year now! I am just so amazed and feel so loved to know that the people around my care so much about me. My mother-in-law bought my coat that I wear every day now, and sent me a gift card to our favorite ice cream place! My dear friend Kate sent me a package with the works! She sent valentines, some adorable art work for my birthday with party favors and confetti, and a cute green and white scarf for St. Patrick's Day which just happens to by my wedding anniversary. I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for making my birthday one to remember. I truly am so so so blessed!

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