Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patricks Day - 5 Extraordinary Years

The last 5 years have been the best of my life. I love you baby.
5 Years later:
1 Incredible, handsome little boy -
6 moves
2 schools
So Much More, and One really happy family...

I LOVE this lamp. Josh is incredibly creative don't you think?.... He let me think for just a minute or two I was getting just the white lamp before he turned it on. I'll probably fall asleep with it on for the next couple nights. 
I got Josh this wooden watch for our anniversary. We dont usually do the 'traditional' anniversary gifts  - I thought it wold be fun for our 5 years to do something wooden. So voila! AND he was just telling Henry he didn't have a brown watch... Phew, Im glad that worked out. 
We started our anniversary by visiting the Library of Congress where Josh was able to get a Library Card. He has wanted one for the last 2.5 years so I decided it was now or never. I forgot how colorful the Library of Congress was! It is sooo beautiful inside.
When I planned out date I didn't realize that there was a 1/2 marathon going on in the city  so we enjoyed a rather long walk to the Library of Congress. It couldn't have been more incredibly beautiful though.

We enjoyed lunch at the Founding Farmers. I had never been, but I'd heard great things about it. It was a bit noisier then I thought and would have liked, but the food was wonderful, the company even better. 
Later that evening we spent some time wandering Old Town Alexandria. We LOVE it here.  The old book and antique stores...The old and new shops....the fun restaurants. Its amazing. Each time I go I love it more. We ended up at the waterfront to enjoy our Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. YUM! It was a beautiful night. The picture above is of a gentleman playing these glasses of water. We have seen him before but each time I see him I am impressed more then I was the time before. He just tapes all these glasses to the table and plays incredible songs. I Love coming here to see and hear him. 

1 comment:

Emily Hamilton said...

Happy Anniversary to an AWESOME couple! Looks like the perfect day. You have such a darling family and we just LOVE you!