Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pregnancy Update AND Happy 2013!

Well, It's been a while since I've written. Too long. Anyway, I am here now to update you about the Snow family happenings. As of yesterday I am 23 weeks pregnant with our sweet little GIRL! Yes, we found out about 2 weeks ago we will be welcoming a sweet little girl into our family this spring. AND YES! I can now finally say I am having this little angel THIS year. I dont know why, but that makes it feel sooner. I feel really good. We are all recovering from colds and the 24 hour stomach flu, but other then that the only thing that seems to be bothering me regularly is my back and that really just started. This sweet girl is a MOVER! She is all over the place, which I love. Being pregnant puts you in a very vulnerable state, and all this moving she does is very reassuring. I started feeling bean kick regularly about 15 weeks. Josh was able to feel her wiggle from the outside at exactly 17 weeks. It was really rather sweet. Laying in bed and feeling her say "hi dad!" Henry talks about baby every day. He wants to share his toys, and blankets with her. He wants to help rock her and do diaper changes. He knows she's going to need a binkie sometimes, and is constantly kissing her. It really has been a sweet thing to watch as he loves her so much already. I hope he adjusts as well to her arrival as he has my being pregnant, although, I do understand they are very different.
Well, we welcomed in a new year yesterday! How did we celebrate? We slept. We have been fighting terrible sinus colds and 24 hour stomach bugs. I think we are all feeling well enough to have life resume as normal today. Normal means Josh starts work again, Henry seems to be feeling well enough and maybe, just maybe I can run some errands and plan a normal dinner tonight. School doesnt start again for another couple weeks so I will THOROUGHLY continue to enjoy my break. Anyway, it doesnt seem like much, but there's our update. Until there's something more to tell you....adios

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