Monday, August 9, 2010

National Harbor

Hi! Yesterday we had the opportunity to visit the National Harbor because Josh's brother is in town and staying there. It is so beautiful! I can't believe we havent been before yesterday. We were a little limited in what we could do because it was the Sabbath, but I am sure we will be out there again. They have a PEEPS store. An entire store for Peeps! Also they were projecting a movie right above the water on a screen. They call it "sunday night's movie on the potomac" I think that is so cool. People just bring lawn chairs and hang out until its dark enough to see the movie! There is an incredible monument called "The Awakening" at National Harbor, and I would love to go back and get some pictures. Its in the sand and I put Henry down with bare feet to walk with me and he hated the sand. In due time I think.....
Anyway, something to remember when we have visitors....National Harbor.


Carly said...

Hey guys! Cute pictures! I love them. Sounds like you guys had fun. What a wonderful place to live, to be so close to so many historical places.
Lots of hugs and kisses,

Just US said...

The Peeps store is super cool! I was told by Zoe that it is the only one in the country!

Tanaya and Tim said...

Oh my heck! Henry is getting so BIG! ...and cute! I miss you. How are things? We're liking colorado and I'm still looking for a job, but things are good. I love your new blog background.