Friday, January 2, 2015

Welcome 2105

Hi, It's me again. Just have 2 minutes before I need to get up and get the house cleaned. Its a war zone here. Well, a new year has begun. So many thoughts going through my mind as one year comes to an end and another begins. We purchased our first little home in bountiful, UT, and have greatly enjoyed our two littles. Lovey and I seem to be more in sync then we ever have. We love each and a can enjoy our similarities as well as differences. Henry has become a big handsome 5 year old that enjoys school, and his friends. He loves to play sports, and legos. He's a fantastic helper and loves to spend ANY time he can with his dad. Millicent will be 2 in just a matter of months now! She is such a darling baby girl, but really not a baby any more. Its a great thing that we can watch a child grow and develop so we dont have to dwell on them not staying tiny- I do miss my tiny babies. She is talking like crazy now. You wouldn't believe all the words and sentences she works on. She LOVES her babies, and blankies, and binkies, and of course her brother. She's a girly girl in almost every way.
As a new year begins these are some of my goals. It seems the trend this year is not setting goals. Some friends have a 'WORD' for the year, and some are simply just going to do without- This year, I do have goals though. Im sharing so they are documented, and I can see how far I have come physically, spiritually and emotionally this time next year.
1-read BOM365 each day- It isnt much, but almost perfect for a busy mommy
2-Workout 4 times a week
3- Eat Healthy- More fruits, veggies, and whole grains. No Soda, and Junk- Well, 2 cheats a week.And stay within my grocery budget while trying new meals!
4-Get to my goal weight by my birthday (2/21) and keep that weight!
its not so much about the actual weight as it is feeling confident and healthy. I am not choosing an unrealistic number, in fact its still over the recommended weight for my height, but it's a feel good number for me.
I'll let you know how it goes.

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